5 Best WordPress Food Delivery Plugins in 2024

 5 Best WordPress Food Delivery Plugins in 2024

Online food delivery is now trending more than ever. These days, people prefer to get food delivered to their doorstep without having to leave the comfort of their homes. And that brings the demand for online food delivery services more than ever. Therefore, this is the best time to add the best WordPress food delivery plugin if you have a website for your restaurant.

So if you are looking to integrate an online order and delivery system into your restaurant website, look no further than WordPress. With many WordPress food delivery plugins, you can manage orders and send food deliveries right to your customer’s doorsteps.

To help restaurant owners like you, we have researched and made a list of the best food delivery plugins for WordPress. The article will show you a detailed feature review of the features of each plugin so that you can compare the plugins and choose the one best matched to your needs.

🤔 Why Use A Food Delivery Plugin For WordPress Sites?


WordPress food delivery plugins help you to serve foods to your customers’ homes quickly and easily. Those plugins can benefit you in a diverse way. Here are the top reasons to use WordPress plugins for online food delivery on your website:

Smooth User Experience

“All-in-one” services are best when it comes to user experience. So, when you have a restaurant website with food menus, pricing, and other necessary information, adding a food delivery system definitely completes the circle. From a user point of view, when a customer can order favorite dishes with a few clicks, he/she will be treated with a satisfying experience. Using WordPress food delivery plugins, you can show food menus and integrate an order delivery system to provide a pleasing to your customers.

Boost the Sale to Maximum Potential

Seats in your restaurants are limited. You can only accommodate a certain number of customers in the physical shop. But virtually there are no limits. With online orders, you can take orders to the maximum demand, as long as your chef is capable of cooking. Plus, many of the WordPress food delivery plugins don’t take commissions. So you can take all you earn.

Get the Upper Hand Over Competitors

Online delivery is the way to stay in and ahead of the competition in the restaurant business. After the recent pandemic, many restaurants have moved online with their website. Therefore, customers nowadays expect restaurants to have a website where they can search for the food items, even great if it has an online order system.

However, many restaurants don’t have an integrated delivery system on their website. They depend on third-party services. Therefore, having an integrated delivery system can put you ahead of your competitors.

Improve the Accuracy

You can manage the orders and customers more efficiently with WordPress food delivery plugins. Sometimes, customers can make mistakes while ordering or can have a change of mind. In both cases, there will be modifications in the order and you need to update the order immediately. In those circumstances, an integrated delivery system gives you the flexibility to make instant changes more accurately.

Automated Order Process

WordPress food delivery plugins automate the food order process. Many of the plugins come with the automatic order acceptance option. When you enable that feature, the orders are accepted automatically. So that you don’t have to keep your eyes on the monitor to receive an offer. Besides, live notifications automatically provide updates on the order.

A Cost-Effective Way to Run Business

Online food deliveries are cost-effective in many ways. Firstly it saves the accommodation expenses of a physical restaurant. You can have fewer chairs but more orders with delivery and takeouts. As a result, you cut down the accommodation, decoration, electricity bill, and other utility expenses by half or more than half. Then again, you don’t have to pay a good amount of commission money to the third-party delivery services if you have an online food delivery WordPress plugin on your website.

More User Information to Utilize

Data is money in this digital world. With an integrated online delivery system, you can get access to the digital footprint of your customers that the third-party services don’t often share. You can analyze those data and make an effective business strategy. Also can send customized promotional offers according to the customers’ food habits.

Make the Website Mobile Friendly and Responsive

According to the statistics, 54.4% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Therefore, you must make your website mobile responsive. Thankfully, most of the WordPress food delivery plugins are responsive to different screen sizes including mobile, tablets, and computers.

👌 How Do We Pick the Best WordPress Food Delivery Plugins?


Choosing the best WordPress food delivery plugin is a tough task, even for our expert team. However, while listing the best ones, we have considered certain criteria as standard. Those are the criteria that online restaurants essentially require. The plugin you choose must have those requirements. Moreover, different plugins have specialized features that add advanced functionalities to your website.

Major requirements of WordPress food delivery plugins are:

  1. Flexibility in customization
  2. Optimal performance.
  3. Compatibility with WordPress and other plugins,
  4. Seamless integration with WooCommerce.
  5. Support for promotional offers.
  6. Access to customer data.
  7. Ability to track orders in real-time.
  8. Options to send opening hours to take orders.
  9. Option for customers to choose delivery or takeout.
  10. Availability of templates and addons.
  11. Cost efficiency.

Those are the primary requirements for a food delivery plugin to have. However, according to your business and website, you might have to add more points to this list.

📌 A Detailed Review of WordPress Food Delivery Plugins

There are a number of food delivery plugins available for WordPress with their own set of features and benefits. In this detailed review, we’ll take a dig deep into the features and functionalities of the following plugins:

#1 WPCafe – WooCommerce Online Ordering, Delivery/Pickup and Reservation


The list begins with WPCafe, a WordPress food delivery plugin to run your online restaurant business. The plugin is developed by Themewinter as an all-in-one solution for online food ordering, delivery, and restaurant reservation system. You can have great flexibility to manage your restaurant website with shortcodes, Elementor widgets, and Gutenberg blocks using the WPCafe plugin.

Key Features:

  • Visual Table Reservation
  • Multivendor Support
  • Advanced Search and Filtering
  • Flexible food ordering experience
  • Sales boost with promotional offers
  • 33+ food menu templates
  • Discount options on the food menu
  • Customizable mini cart and quantity picker
  • Live order notification with sound and tag
  • Multiple product addon
  • Location-based food menu
  • Both percentage and flat tip option
  • Single/multiple slot reservation schedule
  • Holiday special reservation schedule
  • Food with reservation
  • Branch-wise seat capacity & reservation
  • Dynamic email notification
  • Food ordering with QR code

Free or Pro?: Free and Pro.
Price: WPCafe Pro starts at $69

#2 Orderable


Next on the list is Orderable, a WooCommerce food delivery plugin that helps you to add and manage your restaurant’s online orders on the website. You can ease the order process with a responsive interface and advanced order management features. The freemium plugin with local restaurants, cafes, and retail stores.

Key Features:

  • App-like interface experience.
  • Time slots to accept, deliver, and pick up orders.
  • Adjustable holiday schedules to avoid off-day orders.
  • Commission-free delivery system.
  • Flexible menu layout.
  • Control over delivery fees and payment methods.
  • Fast and optimized checkout process.
  • Order bumps that boost sales.
  • Available product addons.
  • SMS and WhatsApp notifications.

Free or Pro?: Free and Pro.
Price: Orderable Pro starts at $149.

#3 WooFood – Food Ordering (Delivery & Pickup)


The WooFood is a great WordPress food delivery plugin that makes things easy for you to operate your restaurant’s online orders. With this plugin, you can easily create, schedule, and manage your deliveries. Plus, WooFood integrates with Google Distance Matrix API which helps you to cover the maximum radius of delivery areas.

Key Features:

  • Delivery or pickup order options.
  • Integrates Google Distance Matrix API to extend the delivery area.
  • Adjustable pickup and delivery hours.
  • Distance-based dynamic delivery fee.
  • Real-time manual order acceptance.
  • Topping and Extras are optional categories.
  • MultiStore Plugin for restaurants with multiple branches.
  • Automatic Order Printing for Windows and Mac.
  • Options to accept / decline orders.

Free or Pro?: Pro
Price: $199

#4 Food Store – Online Food Delivery & Pickup


Food Store is another easy to use for online food delivery. This plugin integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce and makes full use of WooCommerce core features to set up a flawless order and delivery system for restaurants.

Key Features:

  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce.
  • Integrates WooCommerce core features
  • Easy to set up the cart and checkout using WooCommerce.
  • Ease of access to categories and settings.
  • Various payment gateways.
  • Responsive and mobile optimized.
  • Premium addons are available.

Free or Pro?: Free plugin. Does have Premium addons.

#5 Shipday Local Delivery App for WordPress (WooCommerce)


The final one on this list is the Local Delivery App for WordPress (WooCommerce) delivery plugin by Shipday that automates the online deliveries to make them faster and easier. With the direct integration of WooCommerce, Shipday receives orders automatically when the order is made on the WooCommerce store. 

Though it is not a dedicated WooCommerce food delivery plugin, you can easily integrate it with any website and use it for efficient deliveries of online orders of your restaurant.  Besides, WPCafe integrates with the Local Delivery App for WooCommerce by Shipday plugin, which makes the system more efficient for food delivery.

Key Features:

  • Fast delivery system.
  • Automatic delivery management.
  • Real-time delivery tracking.
  • Commissionless delivery system.
  • Compatible with WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • One-stop centralized delivery system.
  • Reduces the overhead cost.

Free or Pro?: Free and Pro.
Price: Shipday Pro starts at $29

🪧 Which Plugin Will You Choose?

There are a number of different WordPress food delivery plugins available, therefore you can find the one that is best for you. In the article, we have provided an in-depth analysis of the features and functionalities. 

Each plugin has its own set of features and benefits. For example, some have options to adjust delivery hours, and multiple payment methods and some may have a rich collection of templates and addons. So it’s important for you to have a clear idea of what you need and then choose the one that fits your needs the best.

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