WP Eventin Released with WordPress Coupon Code for Events

 WP Eventin Released with WordPress Coupon Code for Events

Good news for event organizers as WP Eventin is back with another feature rich update. This update introduces one of the highest requested feature by WP Eventin users which is: Coupon Code. Along with it, a brand new dashboard for CPT’s, new daily, weekly and monthly calendar view and much more!

Lets take a look at the features in details.

WP Eventin 3.1.1 + 3.1.2 Changelog

Check out the changelog for these two updates at a glance.

= Free 3.1.1 + 3.1.2 =

  • New : Apply WooCommerce coupon on events
  • New : New admin dashboard UI for Settings
  • New : Updated admin dashboard UI for CPT’s
  • Tweak : Dashboard design update
  • Tweak : Calendar API tweak
  • Tweak : Calendar Calendar tweak
  • Tweak : Calendar module
  • Tweak : Security check update
  • Fix : PDF download issue
  • Fix : WooCommerce decimal issue
  • Fix : Placeholder not found fatal error issue

= Pro 3.1.1 + 3.1.2 =

  • New : Event monthly calendar view
  • New : Event yearly calendar view
  • New : Event daily calendar view
  • Tweak : Dashboard design update
  • Tweak : Calendar module
  • Fix : Event metabox warning issue
  • Fix : Speaker metabox warning issue

New Admin Dashboard UI for Custom Post Types (CPT’s)

New Admin Dashboard UI for Custom Post Types (CPT's)

WP Eventin has been redesigned to make it pleasant to look at and improve user experience. This clean look will simplify the process of creating and selling events. As WP Eventin comes with a lot of features, we focused on making it easier to find these features by updating admin dashboard for Settings too.

WooCommerce Coupon for Events

WooCommerce Coupon for Events

One of the highly requested features by our users was coupons. Event organizers might want to promote their event by providing special discount coupons. WP Eventin makes it easy to create coupon codes with WooCommerce and add it to events. Usage limits for per users as well as maximum and minimum spending limit can be adjusted too.

Organizers can create three types of coupons like percentage discount, fixed cart discount or fixed product discount.

New Event Calendar Daily, Weekly and Monthly Views

New Event Calendar Daily, Weekly and Monthly Views

Previously the calendar module was launched to display event calendar. This release brings new calendar views for you to use. Now you can display calendars with daily, weekly and monthly views. Guests can go through your calendar and filter events by category. There are also three different styles for you to choose from.

Tweaks and Fixes

In addition to this new features, multiple of tweaks and fixes were made. Calendar API and design tweaks were done. Moreover, PDF download and metabox warning issues were fixed. Security check udpate has been done also to ensure that the plugin is working optimally.

Wrapping Up

We hope that this update brings more stability in managing your events with WP Eventin. If you have not yet purchased WP Eventin go ahead and checkout the best deals.

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