Eventin Update Change Log

Fix : Event lists loading infinite times
Fix : Location show an array value on event single page
Fix : Couldn't filter event list properly
Fix : Couldn't paginate on event lists
Fix : Showing wrong currency symbol on ticket variations
Fix : Show speaker only a few items
Fix : On version-3 migration WooCommerce through a fatal error
Fix : Recurring child event doesn't set its parent description, categories and tags
Fix : Checking user access level on file importing

Fix : A vendor can't delete their events from Dokan dashboard
Fix : A vendor can't create event from Dokan dashboard
Fix : Get fatal error if Eventin rollback
Fix : Event banner image couldn't save from Multivendor dashboard
Fix : Event location was migrate in wrong formate
Fix : Timezone set a wrog value
Fix : When updaing Event url, preview couldn't work
Fix : Editable event url UI/UX updated
Fix   : Style issue of block editor on dokan
Fix   : Template content value updated
Tweak : Google meet authorization url update on settings
Fix : Event featured image couldn't show on template one
Fix : Ticket variation show wrong value on attendee registration form
Fix : In ticket details ticket variation price and ticket variation show wrong value
Fix : Google meet redirect url was wrong
Fix : Number and date field couldn't convert to new version
Fix : Global extra field couldn't show error on attendee registration page
Fix : Featured image couldn't convert to banner image on shortcode list

Fix : Show warning on attendee list page if extra fields are blank
Fix : Couldn't update eventiwise extra field from admin dashboard
Fix : RSVP limit couldn't work properly
Fix   : Zoom module shortcode couldn't work
Fix   : Event link couldn't update properly
Fix   : Event title coudn't show on template one
Tweak : Added migration on admin notice
Tweak : Version upgrade notice updated

Fix : Couldn't show banner image for template two and template three
New    : Added the ability to sell event tickets based on a start and end date.
New    : Added support for different types of events.
New    : Added the ability to have multiple group speakers or a single speaker.
New    : Added the ability to have multiple group organizers or a single organizer.
New    : Added support for custom meeting platforms.
New    : Updated the UI/UX on the event list page.
New    : Event create page UI/UX updated
New    : Evet create process updated
New    : Event category create process updated
New    : Event category UI/UX updated
New    : Event tags create process updated
New    : Event tags UI/UX updated
New    : Event filter by status, date range and search key word
New    : Event cloning feature
New    : Added offline and online event
New    : Added event link edit option
New    : Updated recurring events UI/UX
New    : Speaker and Organizer UI/UX updated
New    : Event ticket variations UI/UX updated
New    : Event banner UI/UX updated
New    : Ticket template for every event updated
Tweak  : Made code block improvements and optimizations.
Tweak  : Set up the template setup page.
Tweak  : Updated the Zoom platform.
Tweak  : Updated the Google Meet platform.

New    : Google location auto complete supports.
New    : RSVP UI/UX updated.
Fix    : Couldn't add price on Stripe payment if attendee registration disabled.
Fix    : Warning on sales report.
Fix    : After refund attendee status should be failed.
Tweak  : Updated Google Meet platform.
Tweak  : Updated RSVP preference.
Tweak  : Optimized code blocks.
Teak   : Updated recurring events.
Teak   : Updated seat map.
Fix : Total ticket quantity couldn't sync
Fix : On multiple add to cart event price couldn't update

Fix : After refund attendee status should be failed
Fix : Ticket couldn't sync when refund a ticket
Fix : WooCommerce purchase failed attendee issue fixed
Tweak : Event total sold tickets couldn't synced
Fix: Throws a fatal error when Woocommerce is inactive
Fix: Couldn't make a payment using stripe
Fix: Issue on show recurring child and parent events on calendar
Fix: Sort events by times on Event Free Calednar
Fix: Ticket price can modify by third party
Fix: Header already sent issue on BuddyBoss
Fix: One vendor can add other's schedule on the frontend submission
Fix: FAQ is vanishing from frontend submission after edit
Fix: Dokan dashboard issue speaker edit
Fix: Translation issue on dokan frontend
Fix: Related event's date issue on event single page
Tweak : Core functionality updated for AI integration.
Fix   : Vulnerable issue is fixed
Fix   : Event end date not showing in event ticket issue fixed
Fix   : Optimized flush rewrite rules
New   : Eventin AI intregation
Fix   : WC deposit not working with eventin
Fix   : Event ticket scanner breaking Unicode characters issue fixed 
Tweak : Event extra field checkbox link tag support added
Tweak : All the calendar widgets and shortcodes are optimized for better design and performance.
Fix   : Default timezone set for event meta value.
Fix   : FluentCRM contact not creating issue fixed
Fix   : Safari browser certificate generation issue fixed
Fix   : Removed maxLength input limit for FAQ content
Fix   : FAQ content context updated after event has been created.
Tweak : All the calendar widgets and shortcodes are optimized for better design and performance.
Fix : Advanced search existing location issue.
Fix : Added email sending for each attendee.
Fix : Attendee export checkbox, radio, date field with correct value.
Fix : Show in dashboard removed for single event.
Fix : Warning message for ticket quantity validation.
Fix : Disable purchase ticket widget submit button on form submission.
Fix : Stripe popup not working for 500 admin-ajax error
Fix : Front-End dashboard FQA content max length issue fixed. 
Fix : Same attendee data for all certificate issue fixed.
Tweak   : Attendee extra field show in dashboard removed for single event.
Fix     : Invalid access token issue fixed for Zoom Meeting shortcode.
New : Event import in CSV.
New : Event import in JSON.
New : Attendee import in CSV.
New : Attendee import in JSON.
New : Added bulk action for export/import attendee.
Fix : After importing event ticket remaining status was wrong.
Fix : The problem with 24-hour support in the Event calendar widget has been fixed.
Fix : Couldn't import and export event existing location.
Fix : Couldn't convert html entity as html code on RSVP confirmation email body.
New : Stripe Order import in CSV.
New : Stripe Order import in JSON.
New : Eventin frontend dashboard default timezone support added.
Fix : Google meet blank link in email issue fixed.
Fix : Eventin certificate sending faild issue fixed.
Fix : Multiple Zoom/Google Meet event checkout but one join link send issue fixed.
New     : Event export in CSV Format
New     : Event export in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule export in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule export in JSON Format.
New     : Speaker export in CSV Format.
New     : Speaker export in JSON Format.
New     : Schedule import in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule import in JSON Format.
New     : Speaker import in CSV Format.
New     : Speaker import in JSON Format.
New     : Attendee export in CSV Format.
New     : Attendee export in JSON Format.
New     : New Twitter icon (X) added in the icon picker.
Fix     : Api authorization/vulnerable issue. 
Fix     : Speaker template design issue fixed.
Fix     : Remove meta image button issue fixed.
Tweak   : Eventin onboarding experience improved.
Tweak   : Eventin dashboard design improved.
New   : Stripe Order export in CSV Format
New   : Stripe Order export in JSON Format
Tweak : UX improvement for recurring events in frontend dashboard.
Fix   : Title should be used in the repeater title.
Fix   : Event calendar blocks weren't showing anything.	
Fix   : Simple bug fix for limited tickets data on multiple ticket variation.
Tweak   : Added post author on recurring event
Tweak   : Added event type on event list
Tweak   : Added support for user base create and search schedule api
Fix     : Order details url couldn't working
Fix     : Custom field warning issue for certain event
Fix     : Event status fix in Event list
Fix     : Speaker couldn't delete on api
Fix     : Event status fix in Event list
Fix     : Woo product quantity conflict with event product in checkout page
Fix     : Non event product warning issue
Fix      : Woocommerce latest version compatibility with eventin 
Added     : Added webhook for attendee, order, schedule
Added     : Added refund on stripe payment
Added     : Added event wise custom fields
Added     : Recurring event support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event schedule create/read/update/delete support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Google Meet support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event FAQ add support added in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Registration deadline support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event external link support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Schedule type selection support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Tweak     : Google meet support for event api
Tweak     : Get certificate template pages on api
Tweak     : Google meet addon settings added on api
Tweak     : Added FAQ on event api
Tweak     : Added recurring support to event api
Tweak     : Overall performance improvement of the Eventin frontend dashboard 
Fix       : After refunding order total revenue couldn't decrease
Fix       : Float value price for event order
Fix       : Custom field warning issue for certain event
Fix       : Manual attendee for stripe payment not ticket not available 
Fix       : The speaker delete issue was fixed in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Fix       : Non event product improvement
Fix       : Woocommerce latest version compatibility with eventin 
Tweak : Unit price showing in cart details
Fix : Zoom issue for Timezone 
Fix : Expire event date issue 
Fix: tickets availability issue fixed
Fix: location issue fixing in Events widgets
Fix: Location widget issue fixed in Advanced search widget 
Fix: Free events widget location issue fixed 
Fix: WordPress 6.4 compatibility 
Fix : Ticket count showing wrong value
Fix : Don't calculate all purchase revenue
Fix : Couldn't show order id on purchase report
Fix : Couldn't send attendee email
Fix : Manual attendee report not adding in purchase report
Fix : Manual attendee purchase mail not sending
Fix : Seatmap ticket variation name issue
Fix : Seatmap ticket minimum and maximum quantity validation check
Fix : Attendee list isn’t showing in Dokan dashboard
Fix : Maximum QTY not working on seat mapping
Fix : After refund any tickets the seat map's seat is not available again

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