WP Eventin has been Nominated for the Monster Awards 2021

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Hello everyone, we are happy and excited to share that, our plugin WP Eventin has been nominated for the first Monster`s Award competition 2021. We got nominated for the “The Best WP Booking & Appointment Plugin” category. Show your love to us by spending a moment.

How to Vote at Monster Awards 2021

Voting WP Eventin on “Monster’s Award 2021” is easy and a matter of a few clicks. It’s a 3 step matter. Here are the steps in detail.

Step 1: Click the link https://tinyurl.com/yhgkjltg
Step 2: Click on ‘Vote’ under the WP Eventin logo. It will bring a popup window. Put your email and password for signup. You can avoid signup by clicking on the “sign in with” option.
Step 3: Once you finish signup, the page will reload once. Press on the ‘Vote’ again and you will see the ‘Thank You’ notice on the top-left corner of the WP Eventin plugin.

Note- You can ask your friend to vote for WP Eventin. It will be a great co-operation for winning this contest.

About Monster Awards

TemplateMonster is a web-based product and template selling marketplace. They started a global competition to define and honor the best WordPress brands out there for WordPress fans. It’s a non-commercial event where any WordPress product can become a nominee. All participants need to sign-up for voting on the contest.

Let’s vote!

WP Eventin- Event Conference Management Plugin

WP Eventin provides a complete event management solution from creating a speaker profile to the event landing page. You can add unlimited events, add speakers, zoom meetings and schedules. Check the recent changelog of WP Eventin for more details.

Final Call

Your single vote will help WPCafe win in this contest. Your “moment spending” contribution will inspire us to give you better service. What are you waiting for?

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