Eventin Recent Update: What You Need to Know (2022) 

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Eventin recently got some massive updates, and we are excited to share the update with you! Even though all the updates are available in the changelog and sent to you through email, a cumulative update is here for you. Let’s see the Eventin recent update at a glance. Surely, you will love the latest features and updates.

In this blog, we focused on the update from October 15, 2022, to 20th November 2022

Plugin File Size Reduced

Eventin speed test by WPHive
Eventin speed test by WPHive

We have reduced file size by 37%. The total file size is now only 2.2MB. From 3.5MB to straight 2.2MB. It’s faster and lightweight. The latest version will take lesser memory and resource from your disk space. The latest update brings the loading speed to 0.14s which is faster than 99% of plugins.

Font/Icon Optimized

We have optimized the icon loading functionality. From now on, Eventin will load those icons that you use only. No extra icon is in the asset folder.

Modular Base JS, CSS Added

We have added modular-based CSS/JS in this update. It means if you call/use any feature, Eventin will call and use that specific page’s CSS/JS file. No CSS/JS will be used until you use it.

BuddyBoss 2nd Phase Released

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Our BuddyBoss’s 2nd phase of development has been released. It brings a lot more freedom to use Eventin inside BuddyBoss. Eventin is now completely compatible with BuddyBoss. We also bring fixes and tweaks that make a better user experience for you. This update likewise includes the Strip logo changing the option on settings! 

The latest update of BuddyBoss brings features like Updated locations, Location taxonomy with Google map integration, Assigning specific events to any group, and much more. The details list goes here!

  • Added: Single event details on the right side of the BuddyBoss content.
  • Added: Create/edit/delete locations from the front end.
  • Added: Location taxonomy with Google map integration
  • Added: Assign a specific event to any group
  • Added: Show events feed in the main BuddyBoss news feed page
  • Added: Added stripe logo option in settings
  • Added: Categories for Event Front End Submissions
  • Added: Tags for Event Front End Submissions

Important Note: BuddyBoss’s 1st Phase was released a month ago. Within a shorter time frame, the team worked and released the 2nd Phase.

✔️ Eventin BuddyBoss integration documentation.

Eventin Webhook & Script Added

Eventin Webhook and Script

Do you have multiple websites and want to show upcoming events on them? Would you love to show your next events on your friend’s website too? Eventin webhook is the perfect solution for you. With the help of webhooks, you can display your events on any third-party website. You can also collect eventin script and do the same activity.

✔️ Check Eventin webhook documentation and Eventin script documentation.

Archive Event Sorting Option Added

A shorting option has been added on the Event archive page that allows you to check the latest and upcoming events. It will grow your user experience and user session on the website.

Tags and Categories for Front End Submissions

You can create both the tags and categories from the front end module. You do not need to go backend of the site to create tags and categories. Moreover, your friends and family members can create the tags/categories. You need to allow them first.

Gutenblock Support in the Event Description

We have added the support of Gutenberg in recent days. Thus, you can access and edit events relevant information from the Gutenberg panel. Earlier we had classic editor support.

What’s Coming Next at Eventin?

Eventin team is now working on the following features! Some of them were highly requested and we have heard your voice 👇 [Like we do always!]

  • More additional date format for the event
  • Ticket email body customization option
  • Manually add attendees from the admin panel
  • Online event show template
  • API response optimization
  • RSVP

🚀 There are Black Friday discounts of up to 50% off ongoing. So, if you aren’t still taking this plugin, this is high time for you. 👇👇

✅ ThemeWinter Deal Page – https://themewinter.com/deals
✅ Roadmap for the latest update: https://themewinter.com/eventin-roadmaps

Eventin Now Loved by 8,000+ Users

Eventin 8k Active Installation Image

Your favorite Eventin is now powering 8k+ websites around the globe. We are thrilled to achieve yet another milestone. This is the result of our beloved customer’s never-ending support and our team’s continuous hard work.

It has been a wild ride since the start and this wouldn’t have been possible without you. 💖 We are thankful for all the love and support you all gave us and we hope that you will be giving us this support in the future too and help us grow even bigger! 💖

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