How to Integrate Zoom Meetings Easily with WordPress [Tutorial]

 How to Integrate Zoom Meetings Easily with WordPress [Tutorial]

Popular plugins and WordPress development tools make creating zoom meetings for your event website a breeze. With video conferencing reaching its peak, it’s high time that you add Zoom events to your event website. This will encourage more visitors to your event website to register for Zoom meetings.

If you are completely new to this then you are in luck. This complete guide will help you set up Zoom meetings for your WordPress website in as little as 15 minutes.

❓ Why Should You Integrate Zoom Meetings in WordPress?

If you find yourself attending Zoom meetings multiple times a day then you know its importance. It is quick and easy to connect to and everyone knows about it. What makes it important for you is the convenience of registering and accessing a Zoom meeting from your website.

Integrating Zoom meetings into your WordPress website can make it easier for visitors to join them. They will not have to look for the meeting details somewhere else. Also, this will increase the number of visits because they will come back to your website to look for the Zoom Meeting details. These are just a few of the benefits of integrating Zoom meetings into your WordPress website.

  • Easy for visitors to register
  • Visitors/Attendees can check Zoom event details
  • Increase Traffic to your website
  • Share Zoom meetings from your website

👉 Create Zoom Meetings with WP Eventin in WordPress

If you want to integrate Zoom meetings in WordPress, then you should choose a plugin that makes the process easier. There are plenty of options for you to choose from. However, each plugin has its own advantages and we narrowed down the list before choosing one.

Installing Required Plugin WP Eventin & Themes

To make this work, you need a plugin that lets you add Zoom meetings to your website. Since Zoom is generally used for events, we looked up some of the top event management plugins. From this list, we chose WP Eventin because it is easy to use and has most of the features we need.

Along with a plugin, you need a theme that fits your purpose. There are several event management themes available on WordPress for you to choose from. You can compare the best event management themes and choose the right one.

Benefits of Zoom integration with WP Eventin

WP Eventin makes it really simple to integrate Zoom on a WordPress website. Zoom integration with this plugin will let you arrange zoom meetings directly from your dashboard. You can also send email notifications to your attendees. WP Eventin also lets you track your attendees. You can get detailed attendee reports or add an attendee list for your Zoom Meetings.

Moreover, Attendees can buy tickets using the WooCommerce payment system. Flexibility in payment also makes it easier for visitors to join your Zoom meetings. You can even host events with free ticketing system.

🛠️ Setting Up Zoom Account

First, you need to set up a Zoom account. For this, go to Zoom’s website and create an account. 

Fill up the necessary fields and create an account. You can even use your Google or Facebook account to register. After that, you can choose to buy their plan or use it for free. Their paid plans start from $14.99 per month.

You can proceed with the free version for now and later upgrade if you need to. Once you register an account, you can start hosting Zoom meetings. But to add Zoom links to your WordPress website, you need to complete a few more steps.

🧩 Integrating Zoom with Your WordPress Website

To integrate Zoom meetings into your WordPress website, make sure you have downloaded WP Eventin and enabled it. WP Eventin lets you integrate Zoom into your website easily. The first step is to allow Zoom events. 

To do this, go to your dashboard and find Eventin and click on Settings. From the tabs above, find Zoom and you will see the Zoom option. Enable it to get started.


Generate Zoom API Key and Secret Key

Next, you need to connect the Zoom API with your WordPress website. For this, visit Zoom App Marketplace where you will find a ‘Develop’ option. Log in to your account first by using the Sign in link. Find the ‘Develop’ tab on the top right side and find ‘Build APP’. Click it to get directed to the API key and API Secret Key.


Choose the JWT app type by clicking ‘View here’ and you will be asked to fill up the basic information for your app. Once you finish, you will find the API Key and API Secret Key in the App Credentials tab.


Now copy the keys and go to your WordPress dashboard. Paste the keys in their respective fields and make sure to shave changes. After saving your keys, check the connection and you will see a successful alert notification. Now your Zoom account is connected and you are ready to create a Zoom meeting.


Create New Zoom Meeting with WPEventin

WP Eventin makes creating an online meeting really simple and easy. From your dashboard, go to Eventin -> Zoom meetings -> Add New. Then you will be directed to the Eventin event details page where you need to add your event details. 


You will be directed to the event creation page. Here, you need to fill up the event details and publish your event. Next, you need to go to Eventin -> Settings -> Shortcode and find Zoom Settings. Use the Generate Shortcode button to create a shortcode for your Zoom meeting.

Share Zoom Meetings on Event Page with Shortcode Generator

This is the final step and the easiest step thanks to WP Eventin. All you need to do is generate a shortcode for your Zoom meeting. From your dashboard, go to Eventin -> Settings -> Shortcode and create your Zoom meeting shortcode. Paste the shortcode directly into your page and you will see your Zoom meeting details.


✅ Start Hosting Zoom Meetings

This is just one of the advantages of using WP Eventin for event management. You can learn more about creating attendee registration with free ticketing system. Even the most popular drag and drop page builder Elementor is compatible with WP Eventin. So get started and start integrating your Zoom meetings with your WordPress website. 

Still not sure about the steps? We summarized it all into this short video for your reference. You can also check our documentation on Zoom Meetings.

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