50 Restaurant Survey Questions for Better Customer Feedback in 2024

 50 Restaurant Survey Questions for Better Customer Feedback in 2024

Surveys are a valuable way to gather feedback from customers in restaurants. By asking the right questions, restaurants can gain valuable insights that can help them improve their offerings and provide better dining experiences.

Most Americans would leave no tip for ‘bad service,’ survey shows- The Washington Post

In this guide, we emphasize the significance of restaurant surveys and present a compilation of impactful questions to incorporate in your survey. Whether you own a small bistro or a large chain restaurant, these survey questions will help you better understand your customer’s needs and preferences. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can enhance your customer feedback with well-crafted restaurant survey questions.

Having completed this guide, you will be able to understand customer’s perceptions and identify areas for improvement. 🙌

🎯 The Importance of Restaurant Surveys and Customer Feedback


The main purpose of conducting restaurant surveys is to gather honest feedback from your customers about their dining experience. It allows you to understand what works well for your business and what needs improvement. By listening to your customers’ opinions, you can identify areas that need attention and take necessary steps for improvement.

Restaurant surveys give you direct access to your customers, which is one of their major benefits. Through these surveys, you can ask specific questions related to various aspects of your restaurant such as food quality, service efficiency, ambiance, pricing, etc. This enables you to gain valuable insights into what your customers think about each aspect of their dining experience.

Moreover, restaurant surveys also help in identifying trends and patterns in customer preferences and behavior over time. For instance, by tracking survey responses over a period of time, you may notice an increase or decrease in customer satisfaction levels which can be linked back to any changes made in the menu or service offerings.

🔰 50 Restaurant Survey Questions to Improve Customer Experience


When creating a restaurant survey form, questions should be well-structured to gather useful feedback. Based on our deep research, we have developed a list of 50 survey questions divided into five categories: Food Quality, Service, Ambience, Value for Money, and Overall Experience. Each question is followed by the benefits it provides to the restaurant. Let’s look at what we’ve arranged for your restaurant survey.

🍕 Food Quality Survey Question

  1. How would you rate the taste of your meal?
    Benefit: Identifies customer satisfaction with taste, helping to improve or maintain food quality.
  2. How would you rate the presentation of your meal?
    Benefit: Assesses visual appeal, encouraging consistent and attractive presentation.
  3. Were your dietary preferences or restrictions accommodated?
    Benefit: Ensures inclusivity and meets diverse customer needs.
  4. How fresh did the ingredients in your meal taste?
    Benefit: Monitors ingredient quality and freshness.
  5. Was the temperature of your food appropriate when served?
    Benefit: Checks kitchen and service efficiency to serve food at the correct temperature.
  6. How satisfied were you with the portion size?
    Benefit: Balances portion control and customer satisfaction.
  7. Were the flavours of your meal balanced and well-seasoned?
    Benefit: Provides insights into culinary skill and seasoning.
  8. Did your meal meet your expectations based on the menu description?
    Benefit: Ensures menu accuracy and manages customer expectations.
  9. How would you rate the variety of menu options available?
    Benefit: Assesses if the menu offers enough diversity to appeal to different tastes.
  10. Would you recommend our food to a friend or family member?
    Benefit: Measures likelihood of customer referrals and overall satisfaction with food.

🧑‍🍳 Service-Related Survey Question

  1. How would you rate the friendliness of the staff?
    Benefit: Evaluates the customer service attitude of the staff.
  1. How promptly were you greeted upon arrival?
    Benefit: Assesses efficiency and initial customer engagement.
  1. How knowledgeable was the staff about the menu?
    Benefit: Ensures staff are well-trained and can make recommendations.
  1. How would you rate the speed of service?
    Benefit: Identifies potential issues in service speed and efficiency.
  1. Were your special requests or needs handled effectively?
    Benefit: Measures staff’s ability to manage customer requests.
  1. How would you rate the attentiveness of the service throughout your meal?
    Benefit: Ensures consistent service and attentiveness.
  1. Did the server check back with you at appropriate intervals?
    Benefit: Balances attentiveness without being intrusive.
  1. How would you rate the professionalism of the staff?
    Benefit: Ensures staff maintain a professional demeanor.
  1. Did the staff make you feel valued as a customer?
    Benefit: Assesses the personal connection and customer care.
  1. Were there any issues with your service? If so, please describe.
    Benefit: Identifies specific service problems that need addressing.

💒 Ambiance-Related Survey Question

  1. How would you rate the cleanliness of the restaurant?
    Benefit: Ensures high standards of hygiene and cleanliness.
  1. How comfortable was the seating?
    Benefit: Evaluates comfort level and can influence dining duration.
  1. How would you describe the noise level?
    Benefit: Manages ambiance to suit customer preferences (quiet vs. lively).
  1. How would you rate the lighting in the restaurant?
    Benefit: Ensures appropriate lighting for ambiance and visibility.
  1. How would you rate the décor and overall design?
    Benefit: Assesses visual appeal and contributes to the dining experience.
  1. Was the temperature in the restaurant comfortable?
    Benefit: Monitors climate control for customer comfort.
  1. How appealing did you find the restaurant’s music selection?
    Benefit: Fine-tunes the ambiance with appropriate music.
  1. How would you rate the cleanliness of the restrooms?
    Benefit: Ensures all areas meet hygiene standards.
  1. Was there adequate space between tables for privacy?
    Benefit: Maintains comfort and privacy for diners.
  1. How would you rate the overall atmosphere of the restaurant?
    Benefit: Provides a general sense of how the ambiance impacts the dining experience.
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💰 Cost-Related Questionnaire (Value for Money )

  1. How would you rate the value for money of your meal?
    Benefit: Balances price with quality, ensuring competitive pricing.
  1. Do you think the portion sizes are appropriate for the prices?
    Benefit: Ensures portions justify the cost.
  1. Were there any items you found to be overpriced?
    Benefit: Identifies potential pricing issues and adjustments.
  1. How would you rate the quality of the ingredients used, considering the price?
    Benefit: Ensures high-quality ingredients justify the meal cost.
  1. How do you find our pricing compared to similar restaurants?
    Benefit: Benchmarks pricing against competitors.
  1. Were there any hidden costs or unexpected charges?
    Benefit: Ensures transparency in pricing and avoids customer dissatisfaction.
  1. How would you rate the overall experience in relation to the price paid?
    Benefit: Balances overall experience with cost, ensuring value.
  1. How often do you dine out at restaurants of a similar price range?
    Benefit: Understands customer spending habits and positioning.
  1. Did you find any of our promotions or discounts valuable?
    Benefit: Measures effectiveness of promotions and discounts.
  1. Would you consider dining with us again based on the value for money?
    Benefit: Assesses likelihood of repeat business based on value perception.

🌀 Overall ( Experience)Survey Questions for Restaurant

  1. How satisfied were you with your overall dining experience?
    Benefit: Provides a general measure of customer satisfaction.
  1. How likely are you to dine with us again?
    Benefit: Predicts customer retention and repeat visits.
  1. How likely are you to recommend our restaurant to others?
    Benefit: Gauges potential for word-of-mouth marketing.
  1. Were your expectations met during your visit?
    Benefit: Ensures the restaurant meets or exceeds customer expectations.
  1. Did any part of your experience stand out as exceptional?
    Benefit: Identifies strengths and highlights positive aspects.
  1. Was there anything that disappointed you during your visit?
    Benefit: Identifies areas for improvement.
  1. How would you rate the ease of making a reservation?
    Benefit: Evaluates reservation system efficiency.
  1. How satisfied were you with the wait time for your table?
    Benefit: Assesses management of customer flow and reservations.
  1. How easy was it to find our restaurant?
    Benefit: Assesses location accessibility and visibility.
  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?
    Benefit: Provides open-ended feedback for continuous improvement.

📝Restaurant Survey Question Writing Format

Each question should be clear, concise, and focused on a specific aspect of the dining experience. Use a mix of open-ended questions (allowing detailed feedback) and closed-ended questions (easy to analyze quantitatively). Incorporate rating scales (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10) and multiple-choice options where appropriate. Here is a sample question format:

👉 Question: How would you rate the taste of your meal?
👉 Scale: 1 (Very Poor) – 5 (Excellent)
👉 Benefit: Identifies customer satisfaction with taste, helping to improve or maintain food quality.

The survey should be designed with a balanced mix of questions and ensure that the questions cover all aspects of the dining experience. This will gather comprehensive feedback that restaurants can use to improve services and customer satisfaction.

❌ Don’t Ask This Kind of Question in a Restaurant Survey


Avoiding these types of questions, you can create a more effective and user-friendly restaurant survey that yields valuable, actionable feedback. Instead, focus on clear, concise, and neutral questions that encourage honest and thoughtful responses.

Leading Questions

  • Example: “Don’t you think our food is amazing?”
  • Why to Avoid: Leading questions bias the respondent’s answer, pushing them towards a particular response rather than getting their true opinion.

Loaded Questions

  • Example: “How much did you dislike our new menu?”
  • Why to Avoid: These questions assume a negative stance, which can frustrate respondents and lead to unreliable feedback.

Double-Barreled Questions

  • Example: “How would you rate the taste and presentation of your meal?”
  • Why to Avoid: Double-barreled questions ask about two different things at once, making it difficult to determine which aspect the respondent is addressing.

Too Personal Questions

  • Example: “What is your annual income?”
  • Why to Avoid: These questions can make respondents uncomfortable and may be seen as intrusive or irrelevant to their dining experience.

Overly Complex Questions

  • Example: “How would you describe the balance of flavors in terms of acidity, sweetness, saltiness, and bitterness in your main course?”
  • Why to Avoid: Complex questions can confuse respondents and result in unclear or incomplete answers.

Ambiguous Questions

  • Example: “How did you find the service?”
  • Why to Avoid: Ambiguous questions lack specificity, making it hard to understand what aspect of the service the respondent is referring to.

Long and Detailed Questions

  • Example: “Can you describe in detail your entire dining experience from the moment you entered until you left?”
  • Why to Avoid: Long questions can overwhelm respondents, leading to survey fatigue and potentially incomplete or rushed responses.

Yes/No Questions Without Follow-Up

  • Example: “Did you enjoy your meal?” (without asking why or why not)
  • Why to Avoid: Yes/no questions provide limited insight and do not explain the reasoning behind the respondent’s answer.

Hypothetical Questions

  • Example: “If we changed our menu entirely, how would you feel?”
  • Why to Avoid: Hypothetical questions often lead to speculative answers that may not provide actionable insights.

Questions with Assumptions

  • Example: “What did you think of our extensive wine list?” (assuming the respondent looked at the wine list)
  • Why to Avoid: Questions that assume a certain behavior or experience can alienate respondents who did not have that experience.

Redundant Questions

  • Example: “How was your meal?” and “Did you like your food?”
  • Why to Avoid: Redundant questions can irritate respondents and waste their time, leading to survey abandonment.

Overly Negative Questions

  • Example: “What did you hate about your dining experience?”
  • Why to Avoid: Overly negative questions can make the survey feel like a complaint session, which may not be constructive or balanced.

🛠️ The Best Online Survey Tools for Restaurant Surveys


When it comes to gathering feedback for restaurant surveys, using the right online survey tools can make a significant difference. Below are some of the best online survey tools and WordPress plugins that can help you create effective and engaging restaurant surveys.

✳️ Online Survey Tools

SurveyMonkey: Known for its user-friendly interface and robust features.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Customizable templates tailored for the hospitality industry.
  • Advanced analytics to interpret survey results.
  • Integration with various apps and platforms.
  • Multiple question types (e.g., multiple choice, open-ended).

Google Forms: Free and simple-to-use restaurant survey form that integrates seamlessly with other Google services.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Unlimited surveys and responses.
  • Real-time response tracking.
  • Integration with Google Sheets for data analysis.
  • Easy sharing via email or link.

Typeform: Stands out with its interactive and visually appealing survey designs.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Conversational forms that enhance respondent engagement.
  • Customizable themes and templates.
  • Logic jumps for personalized survey paths.
  • Integration with various third-party apps.

✳️ WordPress Plugins for Surveys

WPForms: Popular WordPress plugin known for its drag-and-drop form builder.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Pre-built survey form templates.
  • Conditional logic for creating dynamic surveys.
  • Real-time survey results.
  • Integration with email marketing services.

Formidable Forms: Powerful WordPress form builder with advanced features.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop form builder with survey-specific templates.
  • Advanced calculation fields for complex surveys.
  • Conditional logic and branching.
  • Visualization of survey results with graphs and charts.

Gravity Forms: Another robust WordPress form plugin suitable for creating detailed surveys.
🚀 Key Features:

  • Advanced form fields and conditional logic.
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface.
  • Integration with various third-party services.
  • Survey-specific add-ons for enhanced functionality.

🧲  Customer Acquisition Using Feedback Surveys


➡️ Analyze the Data: Carefully review the feedback to identify key trends, common complaints, and popular suggestions.

➡️ Identify Improvement Areas: Pinpoint specific areas where your product or service can be improved based on customer feedback.

➡️ Implement Changes: Make the necessary changes or enhancements to your product, service, or customer experience based on the insights gained from the surveys.

➡️ Communicate with Respondents: Reach out to survey respondents to thank them for their input and inform them about the changes you’ve implemented. This shows you value their feedback and fosters loyalty.

➡️ Promote the Improvements: Publicize the improvements through your marketing channels. Highlight that these changes are a direct result of customer feedback, showcasing your commitment to meeting customer needs.

➡️ Use Testimonials and Case Studies: If feedback includes positive testimonials or success stories, use these in your marketing materials to build trust and attract new customers.

➡️ Offer Incentives: Encourage new customers to try your improved product or service by offering special promotions, discounts, or free trials.

➡️ Measure Impact: Track the impact of the changes on customer acquisition metrics to ensure the adjustments are effectively attracting new customers.

📢  In Summary 

Implementing a well-designed survey with relevant questions can help restaurants measure customer loyalty. It’s important for restaurants to not only collect feedback through surveys but also take action based on the results. Customers who feel heard and see that changes have been made based on their feedback are more likely to become loyal patrons.

Besides restaurant surveys, you should also be concerned about restaurant SEO, management, and marketing, and we continually publish such helpful articles for restaurants to help them run a more successful restaurant. If you like this guide and want more like this, then you can subscribe to the blog. If you need more assistance, please feel free to join our Facebook community. 🙌😊

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